Monday, January 20, 2014

La Casa Della Pasta Fresca

So, if you read the "About Me" section, you saw that I went behind the scenes in some Italian kitchens! And this was one of them!

The video was featured at an award ceremony the city (Sesto Calende) hosted for the chef to recognize a ravioli she created with local ingredients. 

I apologize for no subtitles...but check it out here!

My Passion for FOOD!

Of course it's obvious that I LOVE FOOD! And (like a lot of people) I LOVE to take pictures of it!

My friends have even threatened to stop following me on instagram because I make them hungry (mission accomplished!).

Here are a few of my photos from some of my favorite Dallas restaurants. To see more from this album, click here

A Little Bit About Me...

Hi! My name is Rebecca and I have a passion for food, travel, and media. But, I am far from normal in my presentation!

Check out my Sizzle Reel

I graduated from The University of North Texas in Denton in August 2011 with a degree in Radio, TV, & Film. Before graduation I was already working at KDAF The CW 33 News in Dallas as an editor. While at The CW, I grew from an editor to a producer and finally, TV host. I hosted a baking segment for Eye Opener called "Outside the Box" where our viewers would vote for a secret ingredient, I would bake a dessert and our hosts would try it live on set! Check out some of the segments below:

I also hosted The CW's "DFW Close Up" where I focused on chefs and restaurants in Dallas. Click here to see segments.

I have always had a passion for travel. It started in high school when I spent a month in England studying King Arthur with The University of Dallas. After that, I could not get enough! I studied French in high school and college and spent 2 months in Paris. While there, she was able to see Normandy, Le Loire Valley, Belgium, and Holland. 

This is also where my passion for food and wine began. My travel bug then took me to Italy, another foodie and photographer dream! From Venice, to Milan, to Piedmont, I spent 10 days learning about cuisine and always with a camera in hand!

But, those 10 days were not enough! The following year, I spent 3 months in Sesto Calende, Italy on a short term mission trip. While there, I was able to see Switzerland, Rome, and Florence!

I also got to go behind the scenes of a few Italian kitchens!

I currently works as a freelance photographer and videographer in Dallas. My focus is food, restaurants, and events. From still photography to promo videos, I am always using my passion and creativity.

For me, food is something that brings people together. No matter where you come from or where you are going, we all have to eat so we might as well make it fun! It's a way to learn about each other and build lasting relationships.

Click here for my resume

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