Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Giving Back

As much as I love to eat and cook with my friends and family, nothing compares to being able to share that passion and help others.

Mercy Street in Dallas is always in need of food and meal preparation and I absolutely love helping! They located in West Dallas and believe in building relationships with the younger generation and building up strong Christian leaders in the community.

On Tuesday nights, they hold their middle school Bible study and I volunteered to prepare dinner (about 30 people). I tried to think of something that was semi-healthy, full of flavor and easy to put together!

So, I decided on pulled pork tacos with a cold corn salad. The night before, my mom helped prepare the pork. We got a 9 pound bone-in shoulder. Fat side up, we packed on the seasoning! Cilantro, lime zest, salt, and garlic and roasted it all night.

For the salad, I just tossed together corn, black beans, sliced grape tomatoes, roasted habaneros, diced red onion, lime juice/zest, olive oil, salt and pepper. We served it with big slices of watermelon and that was it!

My friend Maria came with me and I could not have done it without her! We can't wait to do it again soon :)

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