Friday, December 30, 2016

Keep Austin Awesome

For the last 10 years or so, I have travelled A LOT. But, I've never taken a road trip by myself. It's something that seems so simple and easy. But, for some reason, there is something about it that has always held me back.

About a week ago, I finally did it. I took a road trip. It wasn't long. A simple 3.5 hour drive to a place I've been before but never appreciated. I was in need of time to myself. Time away from Dallas. This time was for me to turn off. 

Originally, I had a completely different trip in mind. But, I am so happy that I chose what I did. 

So, I headed south for Austin, TX!

Now, since I've been this direction several times, I didn't think I would make ANY stops. But was I wrong! If you are heading south and heading through Waco, you MUST stop at the Magnolia Market. So, I do not flip houses and I am not an HGTV fanatic. However, my mom flips houses in Dallas and LOVES watching Fixer Upper so, therefore, I love it too! And the store was SO cute!! It's the PERFECT spot to pull off, stretch your legs, and do some shopping. I will give a word of warning: it is crowded! This may have been due to the fact that I went the week before Christmas. But, I would just plan to be prepared for a crowd. But it is so worth it! Especially for the photo..

A co-worker of mine suggest I stay at the Lone Star Court and so I did! It is located in The Domain -- a perfect location! So many shops and easy access to anything Austin! 

Everything about the hotel makes you feel like you are stepping back into the 1950's. The exterior resembles a barn and the inside is something out of an Elvis Presley movie. The first thing I noticed were all of the bright orange doors! When I opened mine, I was welcomed by a smeg refrigerator, vintage sofa, and sliding barn door to the bathroom :)

After getting my things together, I immediately headed to Mount Bonnell. This was the most beautiful and peaceful view of Austin I have ever seen. If you have not been, try to go via hwy 360. It's absolutely stunning.

After relaxing and watching the sunset, I went to yet another spot my co-worker had suggested called Epicerie. This is the perfect spot to either sit for a glass of wine or pop in (as I did) for some fresh cut meats and cheeses to take away. For someone who has lived in Europe, it felt like I was stepping into France...right here in Austin, TX. If you go, be sure to see if they have the smoked blue tastes a bit like bacon!

The next day, I decided to relax and explore the Domain. I was able to walk from my hotel to a coffee shop...there were Christmas lights strung along the streets and music playing. It was magical and reminded me of Italy. I sipped my cappuccino and read my book until the shops started to open. From boutiques to high end chain stores, there was something for everyone. One boutique that happened to grab my attention (and I'm glad it did) was called Cotone. It's a very unique shop. Not only is it a beauty bar but it is also a boutique which showcases all many of Austin's finest artisans. What caught my attention was a tulle skirt in the window. So, I went in and tried it on. Unfortunately, the color that I wanted was not available in the color that I wanted (white). But, they gave me the contact information of the designer. As I was leaving the next morning and this was the only shop in Austin who carried her designs, I was in a bit of a pinch. So, I texted her and she was able to make it for me that day! It is hand crafted from a designer, Maria, who moved to Austin just over a year ago from Siberia. Not only did I find a beautiful piece of clothing that day, but I also found a friend. Her passion and her story are in her designs and I am so thankful that I met her. 

I was able to grab lunch with an old friend who told me of a fun winery called the Infinite Monkey. So, I decided to swing by. I have to say, it was definitely a cool spot. There was a mix of vintage decor with graffiti and mid century modern furniture and located in a warehouse. I did not take a tour but I have to say, their bubbles were very nice! 

The rest of the afternoon was spend hitting some very Austin photo shoot spots...

That night, I went to a small restaurant called Lenoir. This is an absolute must for any foodie and wine lover. When you for dinner, you have a pre fix dinner for $45. It's three courses and you can literally choose any three things you would like. If you want the same course 3 times you can do that! For just $35 more, you can do the wine pairings which I highly recommend! Personally, I have a very hard time choosing so I asked my server to surprise me (a very good decision).  My server started each course with the wine first (very smart). So, the first course started with the chenin blanc manoir tĂȘte de la rouge, ‘tĂȘte d’ange’ saumur, france 2014 . It had a bit of orange on the nose and some orange rind and grass on the palate. It paired perfectly with the "kabocha chawanmushi / mushroom kombu dashi / chili oil / wilted greens".

The second wine was pineau d’aunis cave co-op, ‘lieu-dit cocagne,’ loire valley, france 2015 (a rose). It definitely had a tart quality similar to grapefruit and underripe strawberries. But, it went very well with the second course: "red rice-crusted fish / sweet potato sour cream / epazote roasted broccoli"

The wine was a red, Franconia Colli Orientali del Friuli. It was very chocolaty and velvety with a hint of green bell pepper. And the third course was: "beet-glazed pork belly / peanut chili spaghetti squash / kohlrabi citrus slaw"

It was overall an amazing experience and I highly recommend it!

So many little time!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Cold Weather Soup

I absolutely HATE cold weather. The only redeeming factors it has are:
A) The clothes
2) Soup -- which is my favorite food group

I absolutely love soup. My friends make fun of me and literally ask "is soup all you eat?!". it is not. However, when it's freezing outside, it does make a frequent appearance in my daily meals. Why do I love it so much? It's easy, cheap, and lasts for DAYS. Literally. It's the meal that has no end. You can literally make one soup on Sunday and by Wednesday you can use the same soup to create a new soup! It's like MAGIC!

All of this to say...I want to share one of my all-time-favorites-never-fails soup recipes.

Chicken Breast (I usually buy about 3)
32oz of chicken broth
1 bag of frozen veggies (I prefer the the corn, pea, and carrot combo)
1 jar of Hatch Green Chile Stew (sold at Central Market)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Optional: pasta or rice (I use gluten free lasagne corte)

Boil the chicken in the chicken broth until cooked through
Once it's cooked, shred it and put it back into the chicken broth
Add the frozen veggies, stew, and salt and pepper to taste
Cook until the veggies are cooked through and you're done!
Now, if you wanted to add rice or pasta, you would simply cook that separately while the chicken was cooking and add it in with the veggies, stew...etc.

SO easy and warms the soul :)

Very tasty with a white Burgundy I might add...