Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Birthday Fun!!

Who doesn't love birthdays?? It's a time to celebrate with friends, family, eat good food, and...re-live childhood!

This year, I turned 25 and I celebrated the entire week! But, the last day of festivities, I had a small get together and (as the evite said) we had "drinks and juvenile fun!".

When initially planning a party, my mind immediately goes to: "what will we have to eat?!". Well, I LOVE party food and this year, I wanted fun and cute small bites! So, I first decided to make Marshmallow Pops! Aren't they adorable?! I found this recipe from the Pioneer Woman and I will be making these at EVERY holiday party :)

Then, I found a recipe for bite-sized strawberry shortcakes! They were so cute and easy to make! You can find the recipe here. I only did 2 things differently: 1) for the frosting, I used powdered sugar and 2) I used real vanilla bean :)

Besides the sweets, I put together a simple meat and cheese platter and veggies with a spinach dip. Super simple! Then, I decided to have a craft! This is where I relived my childhood...I bought wine glasses of all shapes and sizes at the dollar store for everyone to paint! And, to ensure the kitchen table did not get ruined in the process, I wrapped it in pink wrapping paper :)

It was super fun, super easy and an all-around great time :)

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