Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Gluten Free Bison Pasta

It's healthy, hearty, and down right satisfying! It's "Gluten Free Bison Pasta". Being gluten free has it's challenges...like when you have unreal cravings for BREAD. But, thankfully, there are some really good gluten free options out there now!

I also like to eat healthy when it comes to meat. Bison is grass fed and lean. That being said, you have to give it a little TLC to make it flavorful. So, here is what I did the other evening:

Step 1:  Sauté half of a white onion with garlic over medium heat in an iron skillet
Step 2: While your onion and garlic are hanging out, heat some chicken stock and water over high heat in a heavy saucepan to boiling and cook pasta according to box instructions
Step 3: When your onions are nice and soft, add in the ground bison and a good knob of butter and cook all the way through (this does not mean burn it)
Step 4: Pour in a can of whole peeled tomatoes (I use the Cento or Pomi brands), basil, salt, and pepper. Let this cook down for about 20 minutes.
Step 5: When the sauce is finished, strain your pasta and add it into the iron skillet with the sauce. Then, put 2-3 good handfuls of spinach in. Give it a good stir until the spinach is wilted and there ya go!

*Remember to ALWAYS do a little quality control with the sauce and make sure it's salty enough! And, you can always add a little Parmesan on top for some more flavor!

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