Tuesday, October 1, 2013

One Month Already Gone

Happy October everyone!! Can you believe it?? I most certainly can not...

I have October and November then I will be back December 5...so crazy how fast time is going by! As much as I will miss Italy and all my friends, I am looking forward to being home as well. Sometimes, I think it takes being away from something to realize how much you love it. As they say, "absence makes the heart grow fonder". Being away from friends and family has made me realize how much I love them!

This weekend I realized it even more...

I got to attend a real Italian wedding :) it was so beautiful! The ceremony, the food, the decorations, the venue, the music...all absolutely amazing!

What I started thinking was that (someday) I do want to get married and have a family. But, could I do that so far away from family? I know that I could but that it would be so difficult. I guess I just starting getting really sentimental :) weddings seem to do that to people...

I've also realized that I don't love living by myself (is anyone else shocked by this?). I actually like having people around! Yes, I do enjoy a lot of things about having an apartment all to myself. However, there is something comforting about knowing other people live there.

Basically, I've been thinking a lot about what it would be like to live here or someplace other than Dallas. I know I could do it. But, I am just praying that the Lord will show me where He wants me.

Jeremiah 29:11

Arrivederci Ya'll ;)

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