Monday, September 16, 2013

Prosecco and Pasta

I think the one thing...well, two things..that are the easiest to adjust to are the Italian food and wine! It is all so good!

So, last night, a friend had me over and cooked a wonderful Italian dinner. It was very simple but oh-so-good!

All we had was pasta and prosecco. For the sauce, it was sauteed garlic, peppers, and shrimp. After the shrimp was cooked, chopped fresh tomatoes and fresh basil (from the garden) were added.

That is it! Let the sauce cook down then add the spaghetti and voila!

And don't forget to top it with fresh basil! Add some olive oil, salt, and pepper to taste :) Best meal I've had so far!

And don't forget the prosecco!

Buon Appetito ya'll!

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