Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Fruits of Italy

A little while ago, I decided to take a day trip to Stresa. It's another small town on Lake Maggiore and about a 20 minute train ride from Sesto. I wandered through all the cobble stone streets and found some unique gifts to bring home. Just as I was about to head back to the station, I happened upon the most original wine shop/bar that I have seen. From Milan to Rome to Florence, this is by far the best.

It's called La Cambusa and from the front you would not think much of it. The store front is overflowing with spices, pastas, and souvenir bottles of limoncello. It's overcrowded, overstuffed, and overpacked with a million little Italian treats. But, you walk in and realize there is a little bar in the corner that is hidden by olive oils and balsamic vinegars. Then, you turn another corner, and discover that this little shop probably has more wine than any bar, restaurant, or hotel. Next, you ask the owner, Rosaria, to help you pick out a good red wine to take home. And this is where the true adventure begins.

Rosaria and her family have owned this shop for 52 years. It started off as a small store where she sold breads, fruits, veggies, sandwiches, and a few bottles of wine. Then, she decided that that was not enough. So, gradually, she improved her wine collection and now has over 800 different labels. As you can imagine, choosing just a few bottles to bring home in your suitcase would be quite difficult! But, do not worry, they ship all around the world!

We sat in the back of the store where she holds her wine tastings and chatted over a glass of red wine. She brought out some slices of bread with olive oil and some special spices from the south of Italy. If you like, you can do the "Taste of Italy" with Rosaria. It is a very special tasting that is unique to this shop. How do I know this? Because, Rosaria said she does not let anyone else in town see the tasting because then they will copy her! So, you know you are getting a one-of-a-kind experience.

Rosaria knows good wine and is not afraid to tell you what she thinks! Red is her specialty and she will not drink a bottle that is less than 8.80 euros. Why? Because then it is not wine. Wine, she says, must be able to breath. So, she prefers bottles with an actual cork. And, she will not try to sell you the most expensive bottle in the shop. She will tell you the best wine to buy for the best price.

From the smells, the sounds, to the entire family, it truly is a memorable time. You walk in as a tourist and leave as part of the "famiglia". Plus, Rosaria and her 3 children all speak about 5 different languages. So, translation is not a problem!

Come in for aperitivo around 5pm. Sit and drink whatever wines they have open that evening and feel right at home.

Check out the video!

Buon Appetito Ya'll ;)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Demons in the Icebox

I must say, that is a clever title to a blog post. And, sadly, I can not take credit for it! A friend of mine gave me the idea ;)

One of the many wonderful experiences about traveling is the food. For me, food is what brings people together. No matter where you come from or where you are going, it is through food that you make some of the best memories and meet some of the most unique people of a culture.

And, what would Italy be without it's amazing food? The pastas, pizzas, and pastries are why so many people travel to this country. And, unfortunately, it is here that I have discovered that I have a gluten sensitivity. Of course. Me...the foodie...allergic to the product that binds all of Italy (and most of Europe for that matter) together. However, I would rather live without it and feel great then eat it and regret that decision later.

I know what you are thinking...

"You are 24! How did you JUST now realize this??"

In truth, I have always longed for a cast iron stomach. But, it has always been sensitive. However, in Dallas, I rarely ate bread. Things like pasta, pizza, burgers...etc just were not in my daily diet. But, try getting by in Italy without bread for 24 hours. Trust me, it's next to impossible. So, my body was in gluten OVERLOAD and just flat out did not like it. After doing a lot of research, I discovered that gluten was (or could have been) in so many of the foods that was eating! Hence the stomach always being slightly sensitive. Foods like: canned soup (no I am not above it), peanut butter (read the label first!), sauces (soy, BBQ..etc), salad dressings, gravies, processed lunch meats, sausages, seasoning, candy, chocolate, ice cream, herbal get the picture. 

Needless to say, my life and my diet have both drastically changed. Now, in the states, it is quite easy to find gluten free foods. After all, being gluten free is kind of the "cool" thing to do now right? With Whole Foods, Central Market, and Market Street, eating gluten free is pretty easy. Plus, a lot of restaurants even offer gluten free dishes. However, in Italy that trend is not so "cool". Sure, there are options and there is one gluten free bakery here in Sesto. But, it is much more challenging. Not to mention, a little tasteless. Here are a few (or all) of the gluten free options I have found within walking distance:

Naturally, unsalted rice and corn cakes leave something to be desired. So, for some flavor, I made some trail mix with cashews, almonds, dried grapes, and some pumpkin seeds that I roasted with olive oil and salt:

Then, I decided to get a little more creative and satisfy my occasional salty/sweet cravings. So, I roasted the rest of the pumpkin seeds with olive oil, honey, cinnamon, and a dash of salt:

Of course, fruits and veggies are always an option. After all, I don't want to load up on carbs simply because these are carbs that don't make me feel "bad". So, this is the current state of my refrigerator:

All organized and ready to go! Everything has been washed, peeled, chopped, sliced, diced...and believe took a while!!

I also am a fan of pre-made salads. Or really anything that is pre-made is a luxury for me these days. The whole grab-and-go concept hasn't caught on here either. So, I made a Greek inspired salad with green olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, chick peas, carrots and grilled chicken that I marinated in lemon juice, salt, and pepper:

So there you have it! My gluten free Italy.

Buon Appetito ya'll ;)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spiritual Battles & Physical Hardships

How could a good God allow suffering?

That is a question both believers and non-believers face. And, it is a tough one to answer.

Lately, I have been feeling very sick. I'm not sure what the cause is. Is it something I am eating or not eating? Is it just a parasite or bug? An allergy? Or, is it simply the enemy attacking me? I do not have the answer. And, why would God allow me to feel this way if I am here serving Him?

Well, the last question I believe I have an idea.

"Just because you can't see or imagine a good reason why God might allow something to happen doesn't mean there can't be one" - Timothy Keller

Sometimes, I think we may need to suffer a bit to realize how weak we really are. If we felt great all the time and never faced any physical or spiritual hardships, then there would be know reason for God to exist. But, when we turn to Him during our struggles and give everything over to Him, we realize how wonderful He is and how extremely helpless we are without Him.

"If you have a God great and transcendent enough to be mad at because He hasn't stopped evil and suffering in the world, then you also have a God great and transcendent enough to have good reasons for allowing it to continue that you can't know. Indeed, you can't have it both ways" - Timothy Keller

Maybe our "physical hardships" are more mental than we realize. Our minds can play tricks on us and the enemy does not fight fair. 

Yes, I admit, I could simply have come into contact with an infected vegetable, contaminated water, or bad food at aperitivo. But, I also know myself and know that if there is anything wrong with my stomach I freak out! Which then causes more tension, more anxiety about what I'm eating, and more concern in general. This will not get the best of me. 

"Lord, hid me in Your Presence. Protect me in the battles I'm facing. As I honor You with my trust and cast myself on You, please deliver me - not just with survival but with complete victory"

That is my prayer. I will not give the Devil a way to defeat me. I promise I will rest and take care of myself. But, this will not keep me from working and enjoying my time here in Italy.

Some verses I have been reading:
Job 36:15
Psalm 3:3-4
Psalm 5:11
Psalm 119:71
Isaiah 41:10
Isaiah 49:13
Hebrews 2:18

Arrivederci ya'll ;)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Clouds and Castagnata

What in the world is a "Castagnata"??

That is probably what you are wondering...right?

Well, if you have not yet hit up Google Translate, it's a Chestnut Roast! And it's super fun!!

The other day, it was very cloudy and damp (as usual), so me and my friend went to Stresa!

Now, normally, it is B-E-A-U-TIFUL in Stresa! However...the cloudy weather left something to be desired...

But, it was still pretty and the architecture of all the old buildings still made me whip out my camera!

So, here we are...two blonde female tourists...cold...hungry...and about to head home when, all of a sudden, we see it! A Chestnut Roast!

If you have never had a roasted chestnut, they are not the most pleasant things to eat. They leave your fingers black and a bit dry...after are peeling a burnt shell off a nut. But, in the end, you get a soft and warm potato-like taste in your mouth :)

And, here is what a chestnut looks like pre-roast:

Once we conquered the the chestnuts, we moved on to cheese sandwiches, polenta, and wine!

So, we enjoyed a beautiful and relaxing afternoon in Stresa! Then, took a boat to Isola Bella for a photo shoot ;)

After all of this....were we tired? No way! We headed to our new favorite wine bar in Stresa and sampled wine, herbs, and olive oil :)

What an absolutely beautifully dreary Italian day! 

Buon Appetito!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pressing Toward the Goal

So many wonderful things happening and yet so much fear about the future.

Do you ever feel that as you take a step forward you take several back? Or, do you beat yourself up after you make a mistake? Do you ever feel just not good enough? I do. And, I think that is where my fears stem from.

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done" - Philippians 4:6 (NLT)

As I think about coming back to serve in Italy, the thought that keeps coming back to me is simply this: "you are not good enough and you do not deserve it". It's not a very pleasant feeling. And, it is not of the Lord. After all, who is good enough? I want to serve the Lord and yet what could keep me from doing what He has called me to do is focusing on my faults. 

Lord, You make all things new. I need refreshing from You. I need to wake up to a new day in life and see things in a new way. Give me new eyes, show me new mercies, and take me on new adventures.

I am the type of person who has a goal and I like to see results FAST. But, our walk with the Lord is just that. A walk. We grow everyday in maturity and faith. We make mistakes. We get back up and continue to grow and learn. 

"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:12-14 (ESV)

And so, as I grow in my relationship with the Lord, I continue to pray that He will give me peace about the future and who I am in Him. I do not deserve His grace. Nobody does. And, sometimes accepting such a wonderfully free gift is the hardest part. We can't measure ourselves as Christians based on an idea or a "perfect" image of what a Christian looks like. We must trust in the Lord that, despite how worthless or unimportant we may feel, He loves each and every one of us. There is a wonderful plan that only He can see.

Some songs I have been enjoying:

Through Heavens Eyes from The Prince of Egypt
Takes a Little Time by Amy Grant

Arrivederci Y'all ;)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wrestling: It's Hard

Growing in my relationship with the Lord is wonderful and scary. I have been so excited to become a strong woman of God but what does that mean for my future?

"His Presence can provoke turmoil within you for a time, but those who press through the struggles and hang on to faith in Him will be blessed"

Not long after I arrived in Sesto Calende I began to feel very attached. I can easily see myself here. I love my friends, my small apartment, and my surrogate family :) 

I want to go and be where the Lord wants me to be. Is that in Italy? Dallas? Somewhere new? I do not know..

What I do know, is that should I return, my stay would be between 1 and 2 years. I could not come back for just 3 months! But, I can also see  how the Lord is using this experience to make me a stronger witness for Him at home. I can see myself in Dallas, New York, Washington DC...but where will I go? How do I know? I can not simply make a pro/con list and move on from there (Gilmore Girls reference). And so, you see what I am wrestling I go forward to begin fundraising for a longer stay? Do I take the wait-and-see approach? I have begun applying for jobs in the states...If I get a job is that the answer?

"We have to be able to trust in the goodness of His purposes, even when our path takes unexpected turn. We have to be able to believe that He is living and working within us. And we have to be able to let go of all competing props that would hold us up or tempt us to rely on OUR OWN RESOURCES. In some respects, it can be hard work to rest in Him"

Thank you so much everyone for your prayers and support. Trusting that the Lord will show me which path to take and that He will give me peace.

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:7

Arrivederci Ya'll ;)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Anxiety for the Future

Who doesn't want a crystal ball? We all wish we knew what are future looked like and because it's not in our control, we focus on what we do not know and freak out.

But, guess what?! God knows our future and it is in His hands...much safer hands than yours or mine!

"Let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting Him" - Hebrews 10:22

Lately, I've really been thinking about my future. Let me rephrase that..."lately, I've really been OVER thinking about my future". You know that old saying: "if you dwell on the past and focus on the future you will miss today"....well I sometimes fall victim to that. I focus so much on planning for tomorrow that I miss today. 

I have under two months left in Italy (this trip!) and I want to make the most of it! Do I know if I am coming back? No. Do I know what I am going to do with my life when I get home? No. But, I must trust that all of this is a part of a wonderful plan that is far better than anything I could ever imagine. 

Every day is a blessing. So, it's important to live like it is. 

I also want to continue to grow in my relationship with the Lord. Sometimes, I become the "work-a-holic" Christian. So, I focus too much on accomplishing goals and tasks. 

"Awaken to the opportunity of coming even closer - of seeking the One you might think you've already found. However familiar you are with Him, He invites an even greater familiarity. Always seek it"

It's important to never "lose intimacy with Him" and never feel like we can not get any closer to the Lord. I want to continue to grow in my faith and in my relationship with Him. 

"Lord, how do I seek You? My heart is turned toward You. I'm grateful for Your Presence, but I want more. Let me find you in new and deeper ways today".

So many wonderful and exciting things to look forward to! Thank you so much for your prayers! Please continue to pray for:
  • That I will not have anxiety about my future
  • If it is the Lords will that I stay in Italy, that He will show me the way. And, if it is not, that He will make that clear
  • For the continued growth in my faith and relationship with the Lord
  • That the Lord will give me the right words to say at the right times and to the right people
Here are some songs I've been listening to (click to listen):
Our God is Greater by Chris Tomlin
Afterlife by Switchfoot
In Christ Alone by Owl City
What Faith Can Do by Kutless
The Way by Jeremy Camp
Faithful by Hawk Nelson

"Spirit of God, You know my future and how it fits with Your Kingdom plans. Please show me enough to draw me into Your purposes. Give me God-sized visions that we can fulfill together"

Arrivederci Ya'll ;)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


What in the world is a "Meringata"? Hint: it has something to do with meringue!

It is actually a beautifully layered cake with meringue, whipped cream, and marron glace then it is topped with melted chocolate!

Want to learn how to make it at home? Chef Lorenzo from Hotel 3 Re is here to help ;)

 Buon Appetito Ya'll ;)

An Italian Wedding

So, if you have been keeping up, you would know that I recently attended a classic Italian wedding! It was a BLAST!! I think we need to reconsider how we do weddings...

I posted a few pics on my last post but, here is the video!

It was so beautiful and even thought I barely knew anyone, I have never felt so much a part of a family that was not mine! I am feeling more and more Italian every day ;)

Arrivederci Ya'll ;)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

One Month Already Gone

Happy October everyone!! Can you believe it?? I most certainly can not...

I have October and November then I will be back December crazy how fast time is going by! As much as I will miss Italy and all my friends, I am looking forward to being home as well. Sometimes, I think it takes being away from something to realize how much you love it. As they say, "absence makes the heart grow fonder". Being away from friends and family has made me realize how much I love them!

This weekend I realized it even more...

I got to attend a real Italian wedding :) it was so beautiful! The ceremony, the food, the decorations, the venue, the music...all absolutely amazing!

What I started thinking was that (someday) I do want to get married and have a family. But, could I do that so far away from family? I know that I could but that it would be so difficult. I guess I just starting getting really sentimental :) weddings seem to do that to people...

I've also realized that I don't love living by myself (is anyone else shocked by this?). I actually like having people around! Yes, I do enjoy a lot of things about having an apartment all to myself. However, there is something comforting about knowing other people live there.

Basically, I've been thinking a lot about what it would be like to live here or someplace other than Dallas. I know I could do it. But, I am just praying that the Lord will show me where He wants me.

Jeremiah 29:11

Arrivederci Ya'll ;)

Saturday, September 28, 2013


The other morning, I got to go behind the scenes of the making of a tiramisu!

At the Hotel 3 Re in Sesto Calende, Chef Lorenzo makes a fabulous tiramisu and I got the inside scoop!

Here is the video! Note: the subtitles are not an exact translation but you will get the idea! Check out some still shots at the bottom :)

Buon Appetito Ya'll ;)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Read The Good Book

I feel like my fun book (Book 2 of The Mark of Lion Series...highly recommend it) and my devotional (The One Year: Experiencing God's Presence...also highly recommend) were not brought on this trip for no reason.

Isn't it interesting how God uses ALL things?! Even the books we read?!

I could have chosen any book to start off with and could have picked any devotional. But, I picked these and that was for a reason.

In my fun book, "Echo in the Darkness", one of the main characters is on a quest; he (Marcus) is looking for God. Why? Because one of the other main characters (Hadassah) told him about The Lord and he is searching for him. Hadassah is an amazing character and I often wish I was more like her. She is strong in her faith and seemingly unafraid to share it with others. She goes through times that make our darkest days seem to be nothing but rainbows and butterflies. And yet, she is always praising the Lord for all that He has done. She shocks everyone around her with her devotion to Jesus and her courage. And yet, she does not see herself as others see her. She constantly feels afraid and unsure.

Why can I not be more like Hadassah? Why can I not have her courage and strength? True, she is a fictional character. But, books and stories are meant to inspire us. Why does the Bible not inspire us as much as fictional stories do? Why in days of trouble, depression, and darkness do we run to our favorite worldly author and not to our Creator? Seems interesting to me, however, that I happened to choose a novel that is inspiring me turn to God's word.

So, now to my devotional. Since I was feeling the need to open it again (as I should every day), I was so excited to read what it said. If you have a Bible handy, read Psalm 66...if you do not have one handy, stop here and google it.

It is a great psalm depicting God's power and endurance in our lives. In my devotional, it said this:

"His Presence is a blessing, but one that comes with trials and tests. It isn't easy. Experiencing Him is certain but not simple. He gives promises for the destination but not smooth highways for getting there. Endure patiently, press ahead, and don't ever for a moment assume that the Christian life or a relationship with God was meant to be a bed of roses. It's a long journey and an epic battle, and there are ample rewards for those who persevere".

And so, as I have read in my book, Hadassah had a very difficult life. She faced ridicule, Rome, and the Colosseum all for defending her faith. She was scared but she knew that pursuing a relationship with Christ would lead to eternal life in heaven. So what could man do to her? 
We are all faced with trials of our own. Sometimes, I feel that as we grow closer to The Lord, that is when the enemy is the closest as well. Satan knows how to trip us up and tries desperately to do so. 

Anyways, I just read this and was so excited that I felt the need to share :) 

Don't just read a good book. Read The Good Book!

Arrivederci Ya'll ;)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fruit, Fashion, and Fun

Hello everyone! Remember I said a video was coming?? it is!!

This was such a fun day! So excited that ya'll are getting to know Sesto Calende with me!

I am still praying about what the Lord's plan is for my life. I know I am here for a reason. And, I am praying that if it is His desire that I stay that He will provide the way. But, that if it is not, that He will show me that as well. Even if I don't return for long term, I know the work that He is doing in me is preparing me for my future. Sometimes, God takes us out of our comfort zone to do a work in us so that we can go back home as different people - stronger in our faith and more confident in who we are in Him.

"God's voice can be crystal clear with faith and confirmations over time. Details of His plans can be revealed to you from His own hand"

Thank you everyone for your prayers!! 
Arrivederci ya'll ;)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dreams and Desires

Ciao everyone!

First I must say how much I LOVE it here!! Yes, I must admit I was a bit lonesome and sad at the beginning...but who wouldn't be? Even if I was just moving to NYC or Austin I would be homesick. I LOVE Dallas and I LOVE all my friends and family. I have also discovered that I LOVE English!! But, this has only inspired me to study harder!!

I have since gotten over my homesick phase and am really REALLY enjoying Italy. I can already tell that leaving is going to be very difficult! I am so thankful for all the friends that I have so quickly acquired! I know I am meeting everyone for a reason and that I am here for a reason. What that is...well...who knows for sure accept The Lord?!

Here are a few photos from around Sesto just to show you what I've been up to!:

I will be posting another video soon so be watching for that!!

As far as prayer requests go...

I am praying that if it is The Lord's will for me to stay here, that He will provide the way and show it to me! I already feel so connected and attached and that three months is entirely too short!!

With this on my mind, I opened my devotional today and read:

"Whatever is in your heart to do, even when you're confident it's from the Lord, don't let it grow larger than Him. Get to know Him above all else. He already knows every thought in you and invites you to search out the thoughts in Him. That's how He imparts His dreams, and that's how dreams get fulfilled"

And so, this is my prayer:
"Lord, I have so many desires, so many dreams of things I want to do and want You to do in my life. Help me keep my desire for You above them all".

Thank you everyone for all your prayers! And thank you for continuing to pray for me and my time here...whatever it will be :) 
Arrivederci Ya'll ;)

Friday, September 20, 2013

A Look Into Sesto Calende

I have recently put together a few fun videos around town!

Here is one that took place last weekend during a festival.

And here is what it is like at the of my favorite times of the week!

I am absolutely falling in love with Sesto Calende and I hope you will as well!

Arrivederci Ya'll ;)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Seasons of Darkness

At this present moment, I am not in a season of darkness. And praise the Lord for that! But, I am writing because I know that we often face such times as believers.

As Christians, we are under attack. No matter what the day, time, or season, the Enemy is near and trying to stop us. But, always remember:

"No evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go" Psalm 91:10-11

"Do not give the Devil an foothold" Ephesians 4:27

"Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days" Ephesians 5:15

These are just a few of the many verses that I love to read in dark days. We all have them and we all fear them. Sometimes, we don't know that we are even in them. Dark days come and go swiftly in the night. They grab us when we are most vulnerable. They take over our entire being without us even knowing it. 
Here is a quote that I find humorous and yet so true:

"Madness: does not always howl. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'Hey, is there room in your head for one more?'"

You may recognize this from, it is one of my favorite sites. Why? Well, while being extremely humorous, it also brings the horrible reality of what life really is in just one simple sentence...
Think about the end of the day you are tired, exhausted, mentally/physically/emotionally drained. You do not want to deal with a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, kids, family, bills...etc. This is the perfect opportunity for the Enemy to make his move. You are vulnerable. You are weak. This is the time when you retreat and the Enemy attacks. 

Life is a battle and do not live as if it were otherwise. If you do, I fear you fall. Stand strong or stand for nothing at all. Fight for what you know to be true. 

Here is what I read in my devotional tonight:

"Our pleas for His intervention seem to go unnoticed; our questions remain unanswered; our problems linger. Where is He in our pain? He doesn't say. We have theological answeres to such questions, and we trust that He is near. But we long for His touch - His solutions. We want Him to fix things for us...Yes, there are dark times in a believer's life, but God is still there. He honors faith that survives the darkest nights. He strengthens souls with the most painful instruments. And in the end, His gifts and glory compensate for any hardship we had to face"

So you see? We all go through trials and tribulations. That is what we signed for when devoted our lives to Christ. But, He fights the fight. We are only the instruments. His symphony is better than anything we could have imagined. However, he needs our hardships and struggles to better orchestrate His finished masterpiece. He is the conductor. He knows and sees how the orchestra will come together for it's final performance. And there is a standing ovation awaiting.
A few things to leave you with tonight...

First, one prayer that I think is helpful in dark times:

"Father, thank You that seasons of darkness are rare, and thank You for the knowledge that they are only temporary. Do what you need to do in me, but please let me feel the encouragement of Your touch often"

And, one of my favorite musical numbers...just picture yourself in the music, God is the conductor, you go through the story, you experience different emotions, and the end you create a Concerto with the Creator.

Click Here

Arrivederci Ya'll :)



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Don't Let Perfection Rule You

"A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem" - Albert Einstein

Interesting quote for me today. Perfection is something that I struggle with. That is to say, I struggle with desiring to be perfect. I see my faults through a magnifying glass. Faults which I measure by my own standards. I know I have mentioned struggling with this before so (clearly) it needs to be prayed for!
I think being on your own, you begin to really see who you are and decide who you want to be and how you want others to see you. For me, I love to have fun and love being around people who have fun! I love to joke and live life to the fullest. But, sometimes I feel like I don't always say the right things or act the right way. You know the feeling...those times when you say "why did I say that?" or "really Rebecca?". Well, when you are in a foreign country, surrounded by foreign language, and foreign customs you really begin to feel stupid and useless. It's like seeing your idiocy on the jumbo tron at Cowboys Stadium. (crazy to think that God's jumbo tron is larger and He sees EVERYTHING...)!'s the feeling of "why don't I know that Italian word?!" or "I know what they are saying but I can't talk back!" or "I hope I just said the right thing and didn't offend them...!" In Dallas, I feel so comfortable (well..sometimes) at least, I feel comfortable enough so if I mess up or say something silly I can easily explain myself. Not so in Italian...well...maybe if I was fluent. 

It's nothing major but it's little things that when you have time to think about it (and when your thoughts are the only ones in English for several hours), you begin to OVER THINK. You think...well if I can't do this then how can I do that?! If I can't order a simple pasta at dinner without swallowing my will I ask my new friends what they believe or share my faith with them? 

"Lord, I know I'm called to "the ministry" - we all are. How do I do that in my work? In my family? In my community? Show me. Empower me to represent You to others and lift up others to You"

But, it's so important for me (and everyone) to remember that we CAN'T DO IT! We can do absolutely nothing without the Lord. And that is part of what I love to share with friends! So, all these feelings that I am having and struggles I face are just providing more ways to share my faith. How great is that?! Don't focus on your struggles and your faults. Change your perspective and use them for the glory of the Lord.

"Father, show me the power of my perspective. Help me live in the reversal, where my attitude and internal state are impacted only by You. Clothe me in the joy and celebration of what You have done in me"

And remember:

"Don't be defeated; overcome. Don't be victimized; be victorious. Don't just receive; give. Don't be easily influenced; be an influence...The laws of the Spirit now work in your favor. Choose to take full advantage of them"

I really do love it here. Despite the adjusting that is taking place (side note: I think I figured out my washing machine...however, I am trying to come up with creative places to hang my clothes out to apartment is now a local laundry mat) but I really do love it. And I LOVE the people I have met. I already know I will miss them all terribly when it comes time to leave.

Arrivederci Ya'll ;)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Prosecco and Pasta

I think the one thing...well, two things..that are the easiest to adjust to are the Italian food and wine! It is all so good!

So, last night, a friend had me over and cooked a wonderful Italian dinner. It was very simple but oh-so-good!

All we had was pasta and prosecco. For the sauce, it was sauteed garlic, peppers, and shrimp. After the shrimp was cooked, chopped fresh tomatoes and fresh basil (from the garden) were added.

That is it! Let the sauce cook down then add the spaghetti and voila!

And don't forget to top it with fresh basil! Add some olive oil, salt, and pepper to taste :) Best meal I've had so far!

And don't forget the prosecco!

Buon Appetito ya'll!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Despair: A Common Human Feeling

Why is it that rain can be so depressing? On the one hand, there is a certain romance about it. But, on the other, when you are alone it magnifies your despair.

It has rained non stop today.

I have begun to make new friends in Sesto and for that I am very thankful. But, I am still home sick. While I love to travel and see the world, I love to do it with family and friends. Being alone is scary, awkward, embarrassing, and uncomfortable. I am so used to always having something going on around me. Whether it's people being in my house, cooking dinner for family and friends, playing with my puppy, or making plans...I am always on the go. Here, the pace is SLOOOOW. And on Sundays (today)...even slower.

And so, today started off fairly well. I went for a misty run, showered, and went into town to supposedly meet up with some new friends. While I was waiting, I got a lot of good pictures and videos around town. There has been a festival all weekend so the town has been a little bit busier!

But, for some reason, my stomach has been bothering me the past few days and the fact that I am here for 3 months has really been sinking in. I realize that is not really that long but coming from a place where I was so connected with friends and's down right hard!

I am trying hard but I know I am not doing my best...yet! It takes time to adjust, to feel comfortable, and to get to know people.

When I finally got home, I jumped into my pj's and turned on Gilmore Girls (nothing like Stars Hollow to make you home sick)! I sauteed some spinach in garlic and onions, poured pomi on top and added some chicken...that was dinner!

But, being in this one room by myself and listening to the rain...I began to feel discouraged. As if I can not do what I set out to do. I can not meet people, I can not create videos/photos, and I can not tell people about my faith.

Then, I opened my devotional. And here is a bit of what today's said:

"Though we may dread many of the problems or people we face, we aren't meant to. Though we lose hope in many of the trials of our lives, we aren't intended to. Though we forget that God sees the end of a situation even when no end is in sight, we aren't supposed to. Despair is supposed to be foreign to a relationship with Him...Despair cannot thrive or even survive when we are in close fellowship with Him and are seeing Him well. God, who is not discourages about anything, won't allow it...God's purposes are good enough to fill us with joy and leave no room for despair"

And so, this just confirms that I must grow in my relationship with Him.
"Lord, I lose hope far too easily, which means I lose sight of You far too easily. If I saw You clearly, I would be encouraged. Please come close and fill me with truth. Give me the joy of Your Presence and the hope of all Your promises"

Please continue to pray. The Italians need it and so do I.

Arrivederci Ya'll ;)

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Light in Darkness

I am now settled in my new Italian home!

But, every apartment comes with its own unique set of quirks...

A few nights ago, I found myself reading by the light of a single flash light at about 1 am. Why was I in this situation? Well, about 9pm the night before, my parents had dropped me off for my first night in the apartment. After I was all ready for bed, I turned off all the lights and crawled into my somewhat comfy pull out bed (I say "somewhat" because when I woke up I found myself sunken into the center of the bed and unable to easily pull myself out - not to mention the springs make an awful noise every time I turn over). So..

After I was in bed, the light directly about me began flashing. After a minor freak out and phone call to Terrance, I turned off some semi important switch which turned off all my electricity. At that point, I did not have light signals being transmitted over my head, however I was without light and keeping my fingers crossed that my ice cream did not melt by morning.

This being my first night alone in my apartment, I was unable to get a full nights rest. Some of the noises I have gotten used to by now...the cars passing by, my neighbors, the sound of chinese water torture (I have yet to discover the source) and of course my creaking bed.

I woke up about 11:30pm feeling like a new person! I thought "Oh yay! It must be about 6am! I have gotten a full nights rest!" only to discover that I slept for a measly two hours!

So, I tossed and turned and began feeling the urge to open my Bible and devotional and I am so glad I did! My mind had begun to wander to the negatives about my life here for the next 3 months. I was feeling a little scared and alone. The darkness that surrounded me that night represented my mood and faith. But, I opened my devotional and read:

"Whenever you find yourself in darkness, let your trust in God pierce it. Choose to rely on Him. Those seasons don't last forever, but you have an opportunity in them to create an eternal testimony to His goodness. You become a trophy of grace on display in heavenly places. And when the season passes, your faith will bear unusually sweet fruit"

How amazing that that is what I read? Rather than put in a DVD, I felt the Lord telling me to read the Word and use this time of silence to become closer to Him.  The darkness in my apartment became a metaphor for the darkness I began to feel. My one small flashlight was a symbol of my faith - small but strong and growing! The night will pass, the sun will rise, and my dark apartment would soon be filled with light.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Italian Dinner Ideas

Over the past week, I have really been getting into the Italian spirit in the kitchen!

In this Texas heat it can really be hard to feel inspired to cook I really haven't been getting much practice in (horrible I know)! But, I decided I better start!

Here are a few recipes I've tried out this past week that are light, fresh, easy, and don't heat up the kitchen too much!!

First, I made Chicken Cacciatore and served it with orzo. The Chicken recipe I got from (again) Debi and Gabriele on Cooking Channel. You can see there recipe here. They say 12 pieces of chicken serves 6 people...I only used 8 chicken thighs and that was PLENTY for 4 people! We had 4 pieces left that took care of lunch the next day! I also left out the bay leaves (truth: I forgot about them but they were not missed). You could use canned roma tomatoes but, I recommend using fresh from the produce cans.

I also made orzo to go on the side (basically a pasta that is shaped like rice). I cooked it in half water and half chicken broth and let it cool. Then, I just tossed it with olive oil, salt, pepper, diced red onions and olives, and some cheese (I used the "Caesars Blend" from Whole Foods but a good Parmesan would be great). It is delicious to serve chilled (not super cold and not temp-ish).

Now, if you are a wine drinker, white would of course be great! However, I have recently gotten hooked on this particular red:

A friend recommended it as a good red to pair with fish...and it is! If you are going to drink red with fish or chicken, this is a great one! Plus, it pairs really well with Mediterranean flavors. You can find it at Specs for about $15.

So, after this Italian dinner, my mom made two other great dishes that are wonderful on a hot day!

First, she made a Green Gazpacho which is, again, a recipe from Debi and Gabriele (I really recommend watching their show!). You can find this recipe here. Don't be turned off by it being really is AMAZING! We took it with us when we went tailgating and it was the most refreshing this we could have brought.

And it's super cute!!

Then, she made a faux spaghetti (a.k.a. NO PASTA)! Don't freak's really good! Plus, it has like ZERO carbs so you can feel better about piling on some parm ;)

Basically, she sauteed a few veggies (onion, carrot, celery) in some olive oil. Added in some garlic and the ground beef. Then, she poured in some already made sauce (you could use a can of roma tomatoes and really make it your own but this is super easy). Let the sauce simmer and cook down for a little bit. Then, she peeled a zucchini and squash and just poured the sauce right on top!

So easy, healthy, and yummy! You could put the peeled zucchini/squash in with the sauce and heat up for a few minutes as well. And don't forget to top with parsley and cheese!

Get inspired and bring some Italian flavors into your kitchen!

Buon Appetito Ya'll ;)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Becoming A Strong Woman of God

I leave for Italy two weeks from tomorrow! I can hardly believe it! I know it is only three months but I also know that I will not come back the same person that I am today, and that is exciting.

"I have sinned times without number, and been guilty of pride and unbelief, of failure to find Thy mind in Thy Word, of neglect to seek Thee in my daily life. My transgressions and short-comings present me with a list of accusations, but I bless Thee that they will not stand against me, for all have been laid on Christ; go on to subdue my corruptions and grant me grace to live above them. Let not the passions of the flesh nor lustings of the mind bring my spirit into subjection, but do Thou rule over me in liberty and power. Purge me from every false desire, every base aspiration, everything contrary to Thy rule. Deliver me from every evil habit, everything that dims brightness of Thy grace in me, everything that prevents me taking delight in Thee."

Throughout my life, I have always considered myself a fairly "good Christian". But, in the last year, I have grown so much. And, looking back on my life, I see so many wasted opportunities. There were so many times in school and work when I could have been a better witness. I'm sure many people feel the same way. My faith has been growing so much and I am continuing to grow as a strong woman of God.

"Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe; sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow"

I think I have always been a somewhat strong woman. But, being a strong woman of God is something completely different. When I look back at missed opportunities and think about the future that lies ahead, I begin to struggle with not feeling good enough. It's something I've always struggled with; I am a perfectionist and my own worst critic. So, as I prepare to leave for Italy and while I am there, I am praying that I will grow in my faith but also that I will really begin to live by grace and not by works.

"When Satan tempts me to despair, and tells me of the guilt within, upward I look and see Him there, who made an end to all my sin. Because the sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free. For God the Just is satisfied to look on Him and pardon me"

Our society focuses so much on how we perform. So, I naturally translate that into every part of my life. How I perform in school, work, and as a Christian. I have a tendency to beat myself up if I don't perform to what I believe to be the highest standard. Do you see the key phrase there? "What I believe". Obviously, being born a sinner, nothing I ever do or say will be perfect. In fact, it will most certainly be the opposite. So, why would I (or anyone) for one minute think that my standards are perfect? The hard part with translating perfection from our lives on Earth and our lives in Eternity is that on Earth we are "punished" if we do not meet deadlines, if we are late, if we gossip...etc. But, Jesus has washed us clean of sin! And that is awesome.

"Sanctification is a work of God's grace, whereby they whom God hath, before the foundation of the world, chosen to be holy, are in time, through the powerful operation of His Spirit applying the death and resurrection of Christ unto them, renewed in their whole man after the image of God; having the seeds of repentance unto life, and all other saving graces, put into their hearts, and those graces so stirred up, increased, and strengthened, as that they more and more die unto sin, and rise unto newness of life"

That is the message that I try to tell people and yet it is so hard to live it everyday. But, even though our sins are forgiven, we must still pursue a Christ-centered life and do everything to glorify Him.

"Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you. Then I will teach your ways to rebels, and they will return to you" - Psalm 51:12-13 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Schiacciata Alla Fiorentina

My departure date is only 2 and 1/2 weeks away!! As it gets closer, I am getting more and more in an Italian mood. Starting, of course, with food!

My favorite cooking show is called Extra Virgin with Debi Mazar and
Gabriele Corcos on Cooking Channel. They share their delicious Tuscan recipes and love for Italy (and of course they inspire me to get in the kitchen)!

So, this week I decided to try one of their recipes for an Italian cake called Schiacciata Alla Fiorentina.

It was very easy (not to mention tasty)! A light cake with a hint of orange flavor and served with powdered sugar. I personally think it would be amazing with whipped cream and fruit for breakfast!

What I learned, is that this cake is traditional in Italy during Mardi Gras because it's celebrating the end of winter and the beginning of spring (hence the golden color and orange flavor). 

So, get inspired in the kitchen this fall! 

Ciao :)